Please check-I have to rewrite with an indirect object pronoun

1. Escribo una carta a mi abuela.
Le escribo una carta a mi abuela.
2.Mando una tarjeta postal a mis amigos.
Les mando una tarjeta postal a mi amigos.

2. Just correct MIS amigos.


To rewrite the sentences using indirect object pronouns, we need to identify the indirect object (the person or people receiving the action) in each sentence and replace it with the correct pronoun.

1. Escribo una carta a mi abuela.
In this sentence, the indirect object is "a mi abuela" (to my grandmother). To replace it with an indirect object pronoun, we use 'le' for singular female recipients. Therefore, the sentence would be:
"Le escribo una carta a mi abuela."

2. Mando una tarjeta postal a mis amigos.
Here, the indirect object is "a mis amigos" (to my friends). Since it refers to multiple people, we use 'les' as the indirect object pronoun. The correct sentence would be:
"Les mando una tarjeta postal a mis amigos."