solve this proof: PR is congruent to DE, PT is congruent to DF, Angle R is congruent to Angle E, Angle T is congruent to Angle F.. Prove Triangle PRT is congruent to Triangle DEF

angle P is congruent to angle T because of the 3rd angles theorem

then you can say side angle side theorem makes the 2 triangles congruent(if you learned that yet)

the 2 triangles are congruent by the angle, angle, side theorem or aas. I am pretty positive that's the answer but you might want to double check just to make sure. Hope i could help you out :)

lilly is right sorry i thought that angle angle side(aas) wasn't accurate but that is ssa sorry lilly is right just state the given then aas

To prove that Triangle PRT is congruent to Triangle DEF, we can use the Side-Angle-Side (SAS) congruence criterion. According to the given information:

1. PR is congruent to DE (given).
2. PT is congruent to DF (given).
3. Angle R is congruent to Angle E (given).
4. Angle T is congruent to Angle F (given).

To prove the congruence, we need to show that the corresponding sides and angles of both triangles are congruent.

Step 1: Side PR is congruent to side DE (given).
Step 2: Side PT is congruent to side DF (given).
Step 3: Angle P is common to both triangles and is congruent to itself (reflexive property of congruence).

Now, we need to establish the congruence of the remaining sides or angles.

Step 4: Angle R is congruent to Angle E (given).
Step 5: Angle T is congruent to Angle F (given).

Therefore, we have established that all corresponding sides and angles of Triangle PRT and Triangle DEF are congruent, satisfying the SAS congruence criterion. Hence, we can conclude that Triangle PRT is congruent to Triangle DEF.