Why are your ears at the side of your head and not in front where your eyes are?

Ears can detect sounds from all directions, and placement on opposite sides of the head helps to determine the direction of sound sources. The brain is able to process the different signals of the "stereo" sound.

Eyeballs of humans have a limited field of view -- about 120 degrees. Somewhere in time when humans evolved, for hunting it was more important to have depth perception (3-D) in the forward direction rather than peripheral vision needed to avoid predators. Compare the eye locations of owls with most other birds

Are you then suggesting that because humans are not predators, their eyes have a more constricted view than owls?


The position of ears on the sides of the head is advantageous for most animals, including humans, due to the evolutionary benefits it provides. Here's why:

1. Localization of Sounds: Placing ears on the sides of the head allows for better sound localization. This means that we can gauge the direction from which a sound is coming. The small time difference it takes for sound waves to reach each ear helps us determine the location of the source accurately.

2. Depth Perception: Placing the ears on the sides of the head also aids in depth perception. When we hear a sound, the slight variation in the volume and pitch between the ears helps us determine the distance of the sound source. This ability to perceive depth is essential in assessing the distance of objects and potential threats in our surroundings.

3. Wide Field of Hearing: By positioning the ears laterally, we have a wider field of hearing. This enables us to detect sounds coming from various directions without the need to turn our heads constantly.

4. Protection from Injury: Placing the ears on the sides of the head provides some protection against potential damage. They are less exposed to direct impact, reducing the risk of injury from accidental bumps or blows.

Understanding the reasons behind the placement of ears can also extend beyond humans and can be observed in various other mammals. Nature has designed the anatomy of animals accordingly, keeping in mind their specific behavioral patterns and survival strategies.