what do you think would be the reaction of a reader if the topic sentences in an essay did not align with the supporting points

The reaction would be to put the essay down because it seems the author doesn't know what she/he is talking about.

The reader would be very confused and would probably conclude that the writer didn't know what he/she was talking/writing about.

If the topic sentences in an essay do not align with the supporting points, it could lead to confusion and frustration for the reader. When reading an essay, readers typically expect the topic sentences to accurately represent the main idea of each paragraph or section. They rely on these topic sentences to provide a clear roadmap of what the essay is about and how the supporting points will be structured.

If the topic sentences do not align with the supporting points, the reader may feel disoriented, as they will have to decipher the connection between the topic sentence and the content of the paragraph. This can make it difficult for the reader to follow the overall argument or message of the essay. They may have to go back and reread previous paragraphs or skim through the text to make sense of the information.

Furthermore, the misalignment between topic sentences and supporting points may undermine the essay's credibility and effectiveness. It can give the impression that the writer has not organized their thoughts clearly, lacks a strong argument, or did not plan the essay effectively.

To prevent this issue, it is important for writers to ensure their topic sentences accurately reflect the main idea of each paragraph or section. When constructing an essay, writers should clearly outline their main points and supporting arguments beforehand. This helps ensure that the topic sentences align with the supporting points and create a logical flow of information for the reader. It is also advisable to review and revise the essay to check for any inconsistencies or misalignments between the topic sentences and the supporting points.