According to Howard Gardner independent intelligence:

(a) originates at a single site in the brain
(b) comes for a differentsystemin the brain
(c) originates inthe limbic system
(d) has connections with the hippocampus

I have the answer as B

To determine the correct answer according to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence, we need to understand the concept of independent intelligence and its relationship with different systems in the brain.

Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, which suggests that human intelligence is not solely based on a single factor, such as IQ, but instead consists of distinct and separate types of intelligence. These multiple intelligences include linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and existential intelligence.

According to Gardner's theory, each type of intelligence is associated with its own neural network or system in the brain. Different types of intelligence are related to various regions and structures within the brain, which work collaboratively to support independent cognitive abilities. Therefore, neither (a) originates at a single site in the brain nor (c) originates in the limbic system.

However, option (b) states that independent intelligence comes from different systems in the brain. This aligns with Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences since each type of intelligence corresponds to different brain systems and neural networks. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer according to Howard Gardner's theory.

Option (d) mentions connections with the hippocampus, but Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences does not specifically associate any of the intelligence types with the hippocampus. Therefore, option (d) is not the correct answer in this context.

To recap, according to Howard Gardner's theory, independent intelligence originates from different systems in the brain, making option (b) the correct choice.