Please help, thanks!

what exactly are the formulae these functional groups?


somebody help.......?

carboxylic is -COOH?
then what's carboxyl and carboxylate???

RCOOH, where R stands for anything you wish (but USUALLY not H), is carboxylic acid.

Carboxyl is the ion; i.e., RCOO^- and it may be referred to as the carboxylate ion since the salt of RCOOH (for example, RCOONa) might be named sodium carboxylate.

ok thank you!

Sure, I can help you understand the functional groups and their corresponding formulas.

1. Carboxylic acids: The functional group of carboxylic acids is a combination of a carbonyl group (C=O) and a hydroxyl group (–OH). The general formula for carboxylic acids is RCOOH, where R represents an organic group or a hydrogen atom.

2. Carboxylate ions: Carboxylate ions are the conjugate bases of carboxylic acids. For example, if you remove a hydrogen ion (H+) from the carboxyl group in a carboxylic acid, you get a carboxylate ion. The general formula for carboxylate ions is RCOO-, where R represents an organic group.

3. Carboxyl group: The carboxyl group is the functional group found in both carboxylic acids and carboxylate ions. It consists of a carbonyl group (C=O) attached to a hydroxyl group (–OH).

4. Carbonyl group: The carbonyl group is a functional group consisting of a carbon atom (C) bonded to an oxygen atom (O) by a double bond (C=O). It is present in various compounds such as aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amides, and more.

To recap:
- Carboxylic acid: RCOOH
- Carboxylate ion: RCOO-
- Carboxyl group: C=O and –OH
- Carbonyl group: C=O

Keep in mind that the specific structure and arrangement of atoms around these functional groups can vary depending on the organic molecule in question.