Graph using the intercept method: 2x + y = 4.

i just cant get it

Stupid idiot

To graph the equation 2x + y = 4 using the intercept method, you need to find the x-intercept and the y-intercept.

To find the x-intercept, you set y = 0 and solve for x. So, in the equation 2x + y = 4, substitute y with 0 and solve for x:
2x + 0 = 4
2x = 4
x = 2

Therefore, the x-intercept is 2.

To find the y-intercept, you set x = 0 and solve for y. So, in the equation 2x + y = 4, substitute x with 0 and solve for y:
2(0) + y = 4
y = 4

Therefore, the y-intercept is 4.

Now that you have the x-intercept and the y-intercept, you can plot them on a graph. The x-intercept is at x = 2, so mark a point on the x-axis at (2,0). The y-intercept is at y = 4, so mark a point on the y-axis at (0,4).

Next, draw a straight line passing through the two intercept points you just plotted. This line represents the graph of the equation 2x + y = 4.

Note: You can plot a few more points to verify that they also lie on the line. For example, when x = 1, you can solve for y:
2(1) + y = 4
2 + y = 4
y = 2

So you can also plot the point (1,2) on the line.

By following these steps, you should be able to graph the equation 2x + y = 4 using the intercept method.

First solve for y

y = -2x + 4
which is like
y = m x + b
Now, when x = 0, y = 4 in other words (0,4)
that is the meaning of intercept, b, in y = m x + b,---- where the line hits the y axis which is where x = 0
so you make that pencil mark at (0,4)
Now the slope, m is -2
So from your point at (0,4) go right one and down m or -2 which is y=4-2 = 2
and mark that point (1, 2)
Two points determine a straight line. Draw your line through those two points for all real x and all real y


the slope , m, is -2
go left one and up 2
or right one and down 2


-2x -2x

k now when u graph u go up 4 than from that point u go up and over to the left once