Two cars leave town going opposite directions. One car is traveling 55 mph, and the other is traveling 65 mph How long will it take before they are 180 miles apart?

Hint: The time for both cars is the same and can be represented by "t." The total distance is 180 miles. The distance = (rate)(time). If you add the (rate)(time) of the first vehicle to the (rate)(time) of the second vehicle, that will equal the total distance of 180 miles. Since you only have one unknown (t), you only need one equation.

*I don't get it at ALLL!

The relative speed is 55+65. That is the speed between the cars.

distance between cars= relative speed*time

solve for time.

So the answer is....

solve for time

time= distance/relative velocity

pay attention to the equations, let them do the work. You are grasping at just plain answers. Anybody can write down answers.


Two cars leave the same town at the same town. One travels west at 60 mph and the other at 45 mph. In how many hours will they be 420 miles apart?

To solve this question, we need to use the equation distance = (rate)(time) for both cars. Let's call the time for both cars "t" and the total distance they need to travel apart from each other 180 miles.

The distance the first car travels can be represented as (rate1)(t), which equals 55t. Similarly, the distance the second car travels can be represented as (rate2)(t), which equals 65t.

Since the two cars are traveling in opposite directions, the total distance they will be apart can be found by adding the distances traveled by each car. So, the equation becomes:

55t + 65t = 180

By combining like terms, we get:

120t = 180

To solve for t, we divide both sides of the equation by 120:

t = 180 / 120

Simplifying further:

t = 1.5

Therefore, it will take 1.5 hours before the two cars are 180 miles apart.