order from least to greatest.

-1/4, -2/3, 7, -8, 9




Least to greatest

To order these numbers from least to greatest, you need to compare their values. Let's go through the process step by step:

First, let's look at the fractional numbers: -1/4 and -2/3. To compare fractions with different denominators, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 12 because both 4 and 3 divide evenly into 12.

Converting -1/4 to a fraction with the denominator of 12:
-1/4 = -3/12

Converting -2/3 to a fraction with the denominator of 12:
-2/3 = -8/12

Now we can compare these fractions with the same denominator:
-3/12 < -8/12

Next, let's consider the whole numbers: 7, -8, and 9.

Comparing the fractional numbers (-3/12 and -8/12) with the whole numbers:
-3/12 < 7 < -8/12

Finally, let's include the remaining number, which is 9:
-3/12 < 7 < -8/12 < 9

The numbers in order from least to greatest are:
-3/12, 7, -8/12, 9

Note: If you prefer decimal representation, you can convert the fractions to decimals using division or a calculator.