(c^6/7 q^5/7)^4/7

To solve would I add the 6+7=13
then i end up with cq^28561

I think I am missing something

Actually, to simplify the given expression (c^(6/7) q^(5/7))^4/7, you need to follow the rules of exponentiation. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the expression (c^(6/7) q^(5/7))^4/7.
2. Apply the power of a power rule, which states that raising an exponent to another exponent results in multiplying the exponents: (c^(6/7 * 4/7) q^(5/7 * 4/7)).
3. Simplify the exponents: (c^(24/49) q^(20/49)).
4. Now, you can leave the exponents in fractional form or convert them to decimals or radical form, depending on your preference. For this example, let's keep them as fractions.
5. Therefore, the simplified expression is (c^(24/49) q^(20/49)).

So, you don't need to add the exponents together as you mentioned earlier. Instead, you multiply them. In this case, you multiply both exponents by 4/7 to simplify the expression.