for my comparison essay i have finish the conclusion paragraph. can someone edit it or improve it if possible. also do anybody know how i could conclude my essay.

here the paragraph:
Miley Cyrus’s argument for how every person is an individual is more compelling than Katy Perry’s argument to just express your self. The message reminds me of a saying”It’s not the destination; it’s the journey.” Life is an uphill battle for most of us. The significance of creating successful poetry with this goal is everybody could relate to the message. It had taught me to be my own person, and live life like nobody is watching. There are times in life you got to slow down and tackle every hard things life have to offer to teach you a lesson.

Get all forms of "you" and "me" and "us" out of there.

Then re-post.

The conclusion paragraph you have written touches upon the comparison between Miley Cyrus's argument and Katy Perry's argument, and it incorporates a saying about the journey of life. However, it could be improved by providing more specific examples and restating the main points of your essay. Additionally, you should consider concluding your essay by summarizing your main arguments and offering a final thought or insight. Here's a possible revised paragraph:

After examining Miley Cyrus's argument on individuality and Katy Perry's argument on self-expression, it becomes clear that Cyrus's perspective holds more weight. Her message, reminiscent of the saying "It's not the destination; it's the journey," resonates deeply. By emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing life's challenges, Cyrus encourages personal growth and self-discovery. Her ideas have the ability to positively impact individuals from all walks of life, as they promote authenticity and self-actualization. Throughout this essay, examples have been provided to support this notion, highlighting the significance of being one's own person and approaching life fearlessly, regardless of judgment. In a world that often pressures us to conform, embracing Cyrus's argument teaches us that success lies not only in self-expression but also in the journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment.