Identify the pronoun in the sentence below. Also identify the class and noun function of the pronoun using the abbreviations from the chart. For intensive pronouns, put NONE for noun function.

That was a very long phone call.

THAT is the pronoun. It's the subject of this sentence.

Everybody needs a friend.

The pronoun in the sentence is "That".

Using the chart, we can determine the class and noun function of the pronoun. However, you haven't provided the chart, so I cannot provide the specific abbreviations. Generally, the class of the pronoun "That" is likely to be a demonstrative pronoun, as it is used to point to or identify a specific person or thing.

As for the noun function, it depends on how "That" is used in the sentence. Without additional context, it is difficult to determine its role. It could be a subject, object, or even part of a prepositional phrase.