Select all that follow the trends of lattice energy:

BaO > KF
1. Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen.
2. The ions in BaO are +2 and -2; whereas in KF they are +1 and -1.
3. The atomic radii of Ba and O are smaller than those of K and F.
4. The ions in KF are +2 and -2; whereas in BaO they are +1 and -1.
5. The atomic radii of K and F are smaller than those of Ba and O.

I have already tried 1,2,5. and 1,3,4 and only 2,5 and only 3,4 none of these combos are right--i don't understand what could be wrong!

Thew answer is only #2

I consider #1 definitely true.

I consider #2 definitely true.
I consider #4 definitely false.
#3 and #5 are opposites but I have looked up both atomic radii and ionic radii and neither makes much sense to me. Ba is smaller than K (both radii) but O is larger than F (both radii). So neither statement 3 nor 5 are true (half, but only half of each are true).
So 1,2 must be right. I consider neither 3 nor 5 to be correct. Therefore, I would go with 1 and 2 as true but since atomic radii are difficult to define, if you bomb out with 1 and 2 and you've tried 1,2 and 5 (and that's wrong), then it must be 1,2, and 4. Let me know what you find.

In order to determine which statements align with the trends of lattice energy, we need to understand what influences lattice energy.

Lattice energy is the energy released when gaseous ions come together to form an ionic solid. It is influenced by factors such as the charges of the ions and their distances from each other.

Let's analyze each given statement one by one:

1. Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen.
This statement is not directly related to lattice energy. While electronegativity affects other properties, such as bond polarity, it does not have a direct impact on lattice energy.

2. The ions in BaO are +2 and -2; whereas in KF they are +1 and -1.
This statement is correct and related to lattice energy. The charges of the ions affect the strength of the ionic bonds and, consequently, the lattice energy. Higher magnitude charges generally result in higher lattice energies.

3. The atomic radii of Ba and O are smaller than those of K and F.
This statement is not correct regarding lattice energy. The atomic radii have an inverse relationship with lattice energy. Smaller atomic radii result in stronger attractions between ions, leading to higher lattice energies. Therefore, the atomic radii of Ba and O being smaller than those of K and F should lead to higher lattice energy for BaO, not KF.

4. The ions in KF are +2 and -2; whereas in BaO they are +1 and -1.
This statement is not correct. The ions in KF are K+ and F-, both with charges of +1 and -1. In BaO, Ba2+ and O2- are present. This statement does not align with the given information and does not reflect the trends of lattice energy.

5. The atomic radii of K and F are smaller than those of Ba and O.
This statement is correct and related to lattice energy. As mentioned earlier, smaller atomic radii result in stronger attractions between ions, leading to higher lattice energies. Therefore, the smaller atomic radii of K and F compared to Ba and O suggest a higher lattice energy for KF.

Considering the analysis above, the correct statements that follow the trends of lattice energy are:
- The ions in BaO are +2 and -2; whereas in KF they are +1 and -1.
- The atomic radii of K and F are smaller than those of Ba and O.

So, the correct answer would be statement 2 and statement 5.

To determine which options follow the trends of lattice energy correctly, we need to consider the factors that affect lattice energy.

Lattice energy is the energy released or required to separate one mole of an ionic compound into its gaseous ions. It is influenced by the following factors:

1. Charge: The greater the charge on the ions, the stronger the attraction and higher the lattice energy. In general, larger charges contribute to higher lattice energies.

2. Ion size: Smaller ions have stronger attractions between them and result in higher lattice energy.

Now, let's analyze the options:

Option 1: Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen.
This statement does not directly relate to the factors affecting lattice energy. The electronegativity difference between the elements does not directly determine the lattice energy.

Option 2: The ions in BaO are +2 and -2; whereas in KF they are +1 and -1.
This statement is correct. BaO has ions with higher charges (+2 and -2) compared to KF's ions (+1 and -1). Higher charges generally result in higher lattice energies.

Option 3: The atomic radii of Ba and O are smaller than those of K and F.
This statement is correct. Smaller atomic radii contribute to higher lattice energy. Ba and O have smaller atomic radii compared to K and F.

Option 4: The ions in KF are +2 and -2; whereas in BaO they are +1 and -1.
This statement is incorrect. In KF, the ions are +1 and -1 (K+ and F-), not +2 and -2. BaO has ions with charges of +2 and -2.

Option 5: The atomic radii of K and F are smaller than those of Ba and O.
This statement is correct. Smaller atomic radii contribute to higher lattice energy. K and F have smaller atomic radii compared to Ba and O.

Based on our analysis, the options that correctly follow the trends of lattice energy are Option 2 (BaO > KF) and Option 5 (The atomic radii of K and F are smaller than those of Ba and O). Therefore, the correct answer is Options 2 and 5.