mei salary starts at 16,000 per year with annual raises or 1,500. janet salary is 19,300 with annual raise of $950.00. After how many years will the two women be earning the same salary?

y = years

The equations are equal because it says " how many years will the two women be earning the SAME salary "
16,000 + 1,500y = 19,300 + 950y •Solve(:
16,000 + 550y = 19,300
550y = 3,300 •Divide
y = 6

It will take 6 years for the two women to earn the same salary.

somebody put a massive heaping of spaghetti down the back of my pants but i cant reach it

To find out after how many years Mei and Janet will be earning the same salary, we can set up an equation.

Let's assume x represents the number of years.

Mei's salary can be calculated using the formula: 16,000 + (1,500 * x)
Janet's salary can be calculated using the formula: 19,300 + (950 * x)

To find the number of years when their salaries will be equal, we can set up the following equation:

16,000 + (1,500 * x) = 19,300 + (950 * x)

Now, let's solve for x:

16,000 + 1,500x = 19,300 + 950x

Subtract 950x from both sides:

550x = 19,300 - 16,000

550x = 3,300

Divide both sides by 550:

x = 3,300 / 550

x = 6

Therefore, after 6 years, Mei and Janet will be earning the same salary.

To find out after how many years Mei and Janet will be earning the same salary, we can set up an equation based on their salaries and annual raises.

Let's assume x represents the number of years it takes for them to have the same salary.

For Mei:
Salary after x years = $16,000 + $1,500 * x

For Janet:
Salary after x years = $19,300 + $950 * x

To find the point at which their salaries are the same, we can set these two equations equal to each other and solve for x:

$16,000 + $1,500 * x = $19,300 + $950 * x

Now, let's solve for x:

$16,000 - $19,300 = ($950 * x - $1,500 * x)

-$3,300 = -$550 * x

Dividing both sides by -550:

(-$3,300) / (-$550) = x

x = 6

Therefore, it will take 6 years for Mei and Janet to be earning the same salary.