a bus trip covers 191 km and takes 4 hours and 15 miniutes. What is the average speed of the bus in kilometers per hour?

191/4.25=44.9 km/hr

15 minutes = a quarter hour

191/ 4.25= 44.9 km/ hr

15 minutes = a quarter hour

191/4.25 = ?

To find the average speed of the bus in kilometers per hour, we first need to calculate the total time in hours.

Distance = 191 km
Time = 4 hours 15 minutes

Convert the 15 minutes into hours:
15 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 0.25 hours

Add the hours and minutes to get the total time in hours:
4 hours + 0.25 hours = 4.25 hours

Now, to calculate the average speed, divide the distance traveled by the time taken:
Average Speed = Distance ÷ Time

Average Speed = 191 km ÷ 4.25 hours

Calculating this, we get:
Average Speed = 44.94 km/h (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the average speed of the bus is approximately 44.94 kilometers per hour.

Byun walked 15 blocks in 35 minutes. What was his average speed?

how far did byun wak