. One attribute that the Stanford-Binet, WAIS-III, and WISC-IV have in common is that they are all: (Points: 5)

administered individually.
group tests.


Mariella is wrong.

These tests are administered individually.

I agree with Ms. Sue.

The testing company has hired qualified people in the field to administer the new test bank to subjects of different ages and ethnic backgrounds.They need a sizeable number of scores from inner city,urban,and country/small town subjects.Their goal is to gather suffiecient data for test:

To determine which of the given options is correct, we need to examine the attributes of the Stanford-Binet, WAIS-III, and WISC-IV tests.

The Stanford-Binet test is an individual intelligence test that assesses cognitive abilities, such as reasoning, problem-solving, and verbal and non-verbal skills. It is administered individually, meaning it is given to one person at a time, and it is not a group test. However, whether the Stanford-Binet test is timed or written cannot be concluded solely based on the information given.

The WAIS-III (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition) and WISC-IV (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition) are also individual intelligence tests that measure similar cognitive abilities to the Stanford-Binet. They are both administered individually as well and are not group tests. However, the information provided does not specify whether these tests are timed or written either.

Therefore, based on the information given, the one attribute that the Stanford-Binet, WAIS-III, and WISC-IV have in common is that they are all administered individually.