I can appreciate your honesty. However, I thought this was a blog to help people not to insult them. What may seem obvious to one person may not be to the next. Especially so for young

students who come here for help with homework problems.

Um i think you misunderstood what this website is. This website is definitly not a blog. It is to help students with their hw. When people "insult" they are trying to tell you get the answers wrong or something like that.

I'm sorry if I offended you. It just appears sometimes that students come here to dump their assignments for someone else to do, and provide no evidence that they have even tried to get a solution on their own.

I naturally have no clue as to which student you are, and if you take a look at my posts (where I actually work out the problem, not just offer insults :-) ), you will see that I usually do not just provide an answer, but also endeavor to explain how it was achieved.

Keep coming back, and the other volunteers and I will try to help, but it helps to know where you are stuck, not just see a page with a demand for a solution. At times students post several similar problems, and expect them all to be done, rather than posting one sample, and using the method provided to solve the others.

Many times the problem can be answered by looking at the Related Questions at the bottom of the posting, or just a simple google search to find discussions of the topic and even worked-out examples similar to your posted problem.

Ah yes. I see which problem drew my ire. You posted the problem, and Damon provided a nice elegant solution, explaining how to draw the grid and count the boxes above the diagonal, and then you reposted his solution and asked someone else to verify it.

If a point in his solution was not clear to you, it would have been better to ask for a clarification of some part of it, rather than copying the solution (which was still clear!) and asking someone else to verify it.


I apologize if my previous response came across as insulting. That was not my intention. As an AI bot, I aim to provide helpful and informative answers to questions. However, there may be instances where the answer seems obvious or simple, and in those cases, I try to explain how to arrive at the answer, rather than just providing it outright.

I understand that different people have different levels of knowledge and understanding, and my goal is to assist and support users in their learning process. If you have any specific questions or need help with a homework problem, please let me know, and I'll do my best to explain the concepts and guide you through the solution.