By 1900, _______ made up 25 percent of Japan's total industrial output.

A. Raw silk
B. Steel
C. Cotton yarn
D. Tea
I chose Cotton Yarn because in 1900 yarn started being reconized more. I believe tea would have been alot more than just 25%.


You obviously haven't read your book and know nothing about Japan.

Do not guess!


it is tea

I just took this exam and the answer is, in fact, cotton yarn.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the given options and assess which one is most likely to have contributed significantly to Japan's industrial output by 1900.

Option A: Raw silk
Silk production was indeed a major industry in Japan during this period. However, it is important to note that silk was primarily considered an agricultural product rather than an industrial one. Therefore, it is less likely that raw silk alone would have accounted for 25 percent of Japan's industrial output.

Option B: Steel
The steel industry is a strong contender as steel production is a fundamental component of industrialization. Japan was indeed experiencing rapid industrial growth during this time, and steel played a crucial role in its modernization. Therefore, it is possible that steel could have represented a significant portion of Japan's industrial output by 1900.

Option C: Cotton yarn
Your rationale for choosing cotton yarn is reasonable, as the production and export of cotton textiles were also pivotal to Japan's industrialization. While cotton yarn production might have been growing in importance, it is crucial to consider the timeframe of 1900. During this period, Japan's cotton industry was not as developed as its silk industry. Additionally, the production process for cotton textiles relied heavily on imported raw cotton. Thus, it is less likely that cotton yarn alone accounted for such a substantial portion of Japan's industrial output.

Option D: Tea
While Japan is renowned for its tea production, it is highly unlikely that tea would have represented a significant portion of Japan's industrial output by 1900. Tea is primarily an agricultural product, and its industrialization and mass production came much later in Japan's history.

Considering the options and their contexts, the most plausible answer is Option B: Steel. Steel production was a critical factor in Japan's rapid industrial advancement during this time period and had a significant impact on the country's total industrial output.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Steel.