I'm doing a speech on abortion, and I'm on the side that's against it. I wanted to know some reasons why people are pro-life. I mean I'm against abortion because I have 2 little siblings and I feel like it's murder. I feel like abortion should be illegal, UNLESS the pregnancy is harmful to the mother.

What are some other reasons?...and reasons why people are pro-choice
anyone can write their opinion in here, thanks guys

Almost all religious, secular, and ethical systems forbid murder. Pro-lifers believe that life starts at conception and therefore is murder.

Some also argue that many women who have abortions feel guilty and regret their decisions for the rest of their lives.

I totally understand the other view, which is why I chose this topic. It is a persuasive speech but my intentions are not to make anyone switch their views; and I know I can't do that either.

but everyone's allowed to view it their own way and "Finally 14", you have no right to judge who's self centered and whose not. Like Ms.Sue said, a lot of it has to do with your moral values and your religion. Most of the relgions and cultures dont' allow it, and if you're a very religious person who values each life then you are PRO LIFE. I think it's strange that you get charged with double murder if you kill a pregnant woman but abortion (killing of a baby) is allowed and legal.

So we all have our point of view on it, and honestly I dont' think there is a right or wrong. I just needed opinions on what side you're on, not what you think of me knowing that I'm against abortion

When exploring the topic of abortion, it's important to understand that people's stances on this issue can vary widely and are based on a range of personal, ethical, and religious beliefs. As you mentioned, your own reason for being against abortion relates to concerns about it being perceived as taking a life, with the exception of cases when the pregnancy poses a risk to the mother's health. Let me provide you with some additional reasons commonly put forth by those who identify as pro-life, as well as some reasons why people are pro-choice.

Reasons people are pro-life:

1. Right to life: Pro-life advocates believe that a fetus is a living human being from the moment of conception and therefore has the same inherent right to life as any other person. They argue that taking the life of an unborn child through abortion is morally and ethically wrong.

2. Potential for adoption: Supporters of the pro-life movement often emphasize the importance of exploring adoption as an alternative to abortion. They argue that the child could have a chance at life and be placed with a willing and loving family.

3. Psychological and emotional impact: Some individuals argue that abortion can have long-term emotional and psychological consequences for women. They believe that it may lead to feelings of guilt, regret, and grief, impacting mental health.

Reasons people are pro-choice:

1. Reproductive rights: Pro-choice advocates prioritize a woman's right to make decisions about their own body, including the decision to terminate a pregnancy. They argue that restricting access to abortion is a violation of personal autonomy and reproductive rights.

2. Health and safety: Some argue that making abortion illegal would pose health risks, as women may resort to unsafe and illegal procedures if they cannot access safe and regulated abortions. They believe that legalizing and regulating abortion ensures the safety and well-being of women.

3. Social and economic factors: Pro-choice supporters often consider the broader social and economic implications of unwanted pregnancies. They argue that, in certain circumstances, continuing a pregnancy may put undue strain on a woman's life, affecting her ability to pursue education, career opportunities, or care for existing children.

Remember that these reasons merely provide an overview of the common arguments put forth by individuals on both sides of the abortion debate. It's essential to conduct thorough research to delve deeper into each perspective, including reputable sources, to develop a well-rounded understanding of the topic.