y = 500/1+75e^-.625

x = egg mass
y = number of tree (thousand)

The function is show the forest defoliation1.
Find the percent of forest defoliation if the egg mass are 100?
(Using derivative)
Thank you

where is x in the formula?

oh sorry, it would be y = 500/1+75e^-.625x

To find the percentage of forest defoliation for a given egg mass using the derivative, first let's differentiate the function y with respect to x to get the rate of change of y with respect to x.

Given: y = 500 / (1 + 75e^(-0.625))

Step 1: Differentiate the function y with respect to x.
To differentiate y with respect to x, we first need to express y as a function of x. However, in the given problem, y is not defined in terms of x. So, we need more information or a relationship between x and y to find the derivative.

If you have any further details or equations linking x and y, please provide them so we can continue with the problem and find the percentage of forest defoliation for a given egg mass of 100.