can you check these tell if the number after the: color is a solution

x < 7; 7 i say yes

p > -3;3 i say yes

k is greater than or equal to 5; 0
i say no

3z is less than or equal to 12;4
i say yes

n - 5 > 3; 6 i say no

2g + 8 is geater than or equal to 3;-1
i say yes

can you check these

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1. All real numbers that are less than7

is a solution. 7 is not less than 7;
it is = to 7.

2. Yes.

3. No.

4. Yes.

5. No.

6. Yes.

Good! You only missed 1.

To determine if a number is a solution to an inequality, you need to substitute the number into the inequality and check if the resulting statement is true or false.

Let's go through each inequality and substitute the given number to check if it is a solution:

1. x < 7; 7
Substituting 7 into the inequality: 7 < 7
This statement is false because 7 is not less than 7.
Conclusion: 7 is not a solution.

2. p > -3; 3
Substituting 3 into the inequality: 3 > -3
This statement is true because 3 is indeed greater than -3.
Conclusion: 3 is a solution.

3. k is greater than or equal to 5; 0
Substituting 0 into the inequality: 0 ≥ 5
This statement is false because 0 is not greater than or equal to 5.
Conclusion: 0 is not a solution.

4. 3z is less than or equal to 12; 4
Substituting 4 into the inequality: 3(4) ≤ 12
This statement is true because 12 is indeed less than or equal to 12.
Conclusion: 4 is a solution.

5. n - 5 > 3; 6
Substituting 6 into the inequality: 6 - 5 > 3
This statement is true because 1 is indeed greater than 3.
Conclusion: 6 is a solution.

6. 2g + 8 is greater than or equal to 3; -1
Substituting -1 into the inequality: 2(-1) + 8 ≥ 3
This statement is true because 6 is indeed greater than or equal to 3.
Conclusion: -1 is a solution.

In summary:
- 7 is not a solution.
- 3 is a solution.
- 0 is not a solution.
- 4 is a solution.
- 6 is a solution.
- -1 is a solution.