Zeke and Drew are a couple of incoming freshmen hopefuls for the Ferrum basketball and football teams. They don't just want to have a shot at making the team; they feel they can be starters if they are well conditioned. Zeke is 6'7" and about 188 pds, and was a star on his HS basketball team as a power forward, and feels like he has the skills but may be not the build for his strength position. Drew is 5'10" and up to 235 pds now even though he was a skilled defensive back in HS, and he worries he may not have the agility for this position at ferrum. Neither young man would seem to have the prototype body for a position they are quite skilled in, but u are the new athletic trainer hired by the college to help their programs. In designing a training regimen for each; A) discuss the likely major muscle groups that Zeke and Drew respectively are going to have to work on in order to be physically prepared. B) Describe the manner by which u would advise them to conduct their training programs, so that they are peaking when practices begin (Drew: mid-Aug; Zeke: mid-Oct). C) Include a discussion of the three skeletal muscle types (oxidative and glycolytic-i.e. muscle energetics) which will ultimately determine the fate of both of these young men and their quest.

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A) For Zeke, who has a basketball background and wishes to play as a power forward, there are several major muscle groups that he would need to work on to be physically prepared. These include:

1. Lower body muscles: Since Zeke will be involved in jumping, running, and explosive movements, he will need to focus on developing his quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.

2. Core muscles: A strong core is essential for maintaining balance and stability on the court. Zeke should work on strengthening his abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back muscles.

3. Upper body muscles: While Zeke may not have the ideal build for a power forward, he can still improve his upper body strength. He should focus on developing his chest, back, shoulders, and arms to improve his shooting, rebounding, and defensive abilities.

For Drew, who wants to play as a defensive back in football, he will need to work on different major muscle groups, including:

1. Lower body muscles: Drew will need strength and agility in his legs to change direction quickly, accelerate, and decelerate. He should focus on developing his quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and hip muscles.

2. Core muscles: Similar to Zeke, Drew should also focus on strengthening his core muscles for stability and balance during quick movements and tackles.

3. Upper body muscles: Although Drew's position might not require as much upper body strength as Zeke's, he should still work on developing his chest, back, shoulders, and arms for better tackling and ball handling abilities.

B) To advise Zeke and Drew on conducting their training programs, I would recommend the following:

1. Consultation with a professional: It would be beneficial for both Zeke and Drew to meet with a professional trainer or coach who can assess their current fitness levels, identify their specific needs, and create personalized training programs.

2. Balanced training regimen: Both athletes should focus on a balanced training regimen that includes strength training, cardiovascular exercises, flexibility training, and agility drills. This will help develop overall athleticism and reduce the risk of injury.

3. Progressive overload: Zeke and Drew should gradually increase the intensity, volume, and difficulty of their training over time. This concept, known as progressive overload, ensures that their bodies are continuously challenged and adapt to the demands of their respective sports.

4. Periodization: Periodization involves dividing the training program into different phases, focusing on different aspects of fitness at different times. For Zeke, since basketball season begins in mid-October, his training program should include phases for building strength, power, and endurance leading up to the start of the season. For Drew, since football season starts in mid-August, his program should include phases for agility, speed, and power development.

C) The three skeletal muscle types that will ultimately determine the fate of Zeke and Drew in their quests are oxidative, glycolytic, and fast-twitch muscle fibers.

1. Oxidative muscle fibers (Type I): These fibers are well-suited for endurance activities and utilize oxygen for energy production. They are responsible for Zeke and Drew's stamina and ability to maintain a high level of performance throughout a game or practice. Training programs should include aerobic exercises like running, cycling, or swimming to enhance the oxidative capacity of these muscle fibers.

2. Glycolytic muscle fibers (Type IIx): These fibers are predominantly used in high-intensity, short-duration activities such as explosive movements or sprints. Zeke and Drew would need to train these fibers to improve their speed, power, and quickness. This can be achieved through resistance training, plyometric exercises, and interval training.

3. Fast-twitch muscle fibers (Type IIa): These fibers offer a combination of oxidative and glycolytic characteristics. They are crucial for explosive movements, such as jumping for Zeke or accelerating for Drew. To optimize these muscle fibers, a combination of resistance training and power exercises should be included in their training programs.

By training and developing all three types of muscle fibers, Zeke and Drew can enhance their overall athletic abilities and maximize their chances of becoming starters on the Ferrum basketball and football teams.