What does a maple tree do for a community?

A. it creates energy
B. It creates food
C. It looks nice
D. it stores water

My answer is B.

P.S. Sorry, I meant Samara which contains the seeds of the Maple tree so it can propagate. Acorns are from the oak tree. Well I never tried eating any seed pod! To me, the tree is ornamental.


To determine the correct answer to the question "What does a maple tree do for a community?" we can analyze each option:

A. Creating Energy: While trees do participate in the process of photosynthesis, which harnesses sunlight to convert it into energy in the form of glucose, they do not generate energy for a community in the same way as power plants or solar panels. Therefore, option A is not the correct answer.

B. Creating Food: This is a possible function of a maple tree. Maple syrup is produced by tapping the tree and collecting its sap, which is then boiled down to make the syrup. Not only is maple syrup a tasty product, but it can also be used in various culinary applications. So, option B might be the correct answer.

C. Looking Nice: Maple trees are well-known for their aesthetic appeal, especially during the fall when their leaves change to vibrant colors such as red, orange, and yellow. Although this quality adds to the beauty of a community, it does not provide any tangible benefits beyond that. Therefore, option C is not the correct answer.

D. Storing Water: Trees play a vital role in the water cycle by absorbing and storing water in their roots, trunk, and branches. This helps regulate water flow and prevents runoff, reducing the risk of erosion and flooding. However, there is no specific indication or evidence that maple trees are more effective at storing water compared to other types of trees. Thus, option D is not the correct answer.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is indeed B. A maple tree contributes to a community by producing maple syrup, which can provide a source of food and a unique culinary experience.