What was the main motivating factor for European maritime expansion in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries?

A.to spread christian valves.
B.To increase economic opportunity.
C.To seek out new lands for increasing populations.
D.To conquer othe empires or nations and take away local control.

please help me with the answer.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Just about every war and/or exploration has taken place because of money ... or the chance of making more of it.

What do you think?

I think it is to increase the economic opportunity. My answer is B.

I agree.

thank you i have another question i listed


To determine the main motivating factor for European maritime expansion in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, we can examine the four options provided.

A. To spread Christian values: While this was certainly an important aspect of European expansion during this time, it was not the main motivating factor. European powers did aim to convert indigenous populations to Christianity, but it was not the primary reason for their maritime expansion.

B. To increase economic opportunity: This option is a strong candidate as Europe was in the midst of the Age of Exploration, seeking new trade routes and resources. European countries were motivated by the potential for wealth through discoveries of precious metals, spices, and new trading partners.

C. To seek out new lands for increasing populations: Overpopulation in Europe was indeed an issue during this period, but it was not the driving force behind maritime expansion. While the prospect of finding new land for colonization was attractive, it was not the primary motivation for venturing into the seas.

D. To conquer other empires or nations and take away local control: This option does not accurately represent the primary motivation for European maritime expansion in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. While there were certainly instances of conquest and acquisition of territories, it was not the overarching goal for most European powers at the time.

Considering the options provided, the best answer is B. To increase economic opportunity. European maritime expansion during this period was primarily driven by the desire to discover new trade routes, acquire valuable resources, and establish lucrative trade networks with other parts of the world.