Why does something acid based disolve something carbon based?

What makes you think this is a solubility rule?

I can think of hundreds of exceptions.

Carbon disulfide in aqueous solutions of acids, carbon tetrachloride in HCl, etc.

(103 x 10-6) ÷ 10-2

The statement that "something acid-based dissolves something carbon-based" is not a universally applicable solubility rule. In chemistry, solubility depends on various factors, including the specific substances involved and their chemical properties.

Generally speaking, acids can dissolve certain carbon-based compounds due to their ability to donate protons (H+) and create an environment conducive to breaking chemical bonds. Carbon-based compounds, such as organic molecules, often contain functional groups like hydrocarbons or aromatic rings, which can react with acidic substances.

However, it's crucial to note that this statement has exceptions. There are many carbon-based compounds that are not soluble in acid-based solutions. Some compounds, like carbon disulfide or carbon tetrachloride, are themselves organic solvents and do not readily dissolve in aqueous acidic solutions.

To determine the solubility of any specific substance in an acid-based solution, one needs to consider factors such as the chemical structure, molecular interactions, and the properties of both the solvent and solute. It is always important to consult reliable sources or conduct experiments to verify the solubility of specific substances.