In the United States, we are fortunate to have an abundant supply of food, and much of this is due to our agricultural technology. However, there are many concerns about our food source, including genetically modified crops, the use of more chemicals, and climate change just name a few. Give examples of how humans have increased their food supply and what effects these methods have on the environment overall. Discuss concerns you have about the overall safety of the food you eat?

Give examples of how humans have increased their food supply and what effects these methods have on the environment overall.

This is really one where you need to give ideas and we will comment if you like. I am sure this question has been answered before on here. Anyway you already have two examples in the question. Some others might be

Cross breeding of plants.
Selective breeding of single strains of plants or varieties of animals with particular characteristics (e.g high milk yield)
Huge fields of monocultures which have needed hedge rows to be grubbed out (in the UK) and forests to be cut down (South America).

Discuss concerns you have about the overall safety of the food you eat?
These are YOUR concerns. However, you might want to read up on what is meant by the terms 'risk' and 'hazard' so that you use them correctly. Explaining what you understand by these terms can make a good opening to an account on this subject.

To increase food supply, humans have implemented several methods, including:

1. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Scientists have genetically modified crops to enhance traits like disease resistance, pest resistance, and increased yield. For example, genetically modified corn varieties can resist pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. However, concerns about the long-term effects of consuming GMOs and the impact on biodiversity exist.

2. Pesticides and Herbicides: The use of chemicals like pesticides and herbicides can control pests and weeds, increasing yield. However, these chemicals can also have negative consequences, such as damaging beneficial insects, pollinators, and affecting water quality.

3. Intensive Farming Practices: Modern agriculture has moved towards intensive farming practices, such as monoculture cropping and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). While these methods provide higher yields, they can lead to soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, and pollution from excess fertilizer and waste.

4. Technological Advancements: Innovations like mechanization, irrigation systems, and precision farming have improved crop productivity and efficiency. However, the environmental impact of these advancements, such as increased energy consumption and water usage, must be considered.

Regarding concerns about food safety, some common issues include:

1. Contamination: The risk of foodborne illnesses from pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and parasites exists. Contaminated food can result from inadequate handling, improper storage, or unsanitary processing conditions.

2. Chemical Residues: The use of pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics in farming can leave residues in food products, which might pose health risks if consumed in large quantities or over extended periods.

3. Food Fraud: Counterfeit or adulterated food products can enter the market, leading to safety concerns. For example, mislabeled seafood or diluted olive oil can compromise consumer health and confidence.

4. Allergens: Some individuals have allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, and cross-contamination or mislabeling can lead to adverse reactions.

To address these concerns, regulatory bodies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States establish guidelines, conduct inspections, and monitor the safety and labeling of food products. Additionally, consumer awareness, informed food choices, and proper food handling practices can contribute to ensuring food safety.