Examining the location of accidents on a level, 4-mile bike path shows that they occur uniformly along the length of the path. What is the probability that an accident would occur over the first mile of this bike path? Give your answer as a number between 0 and 1

IF a single accident occurs, the probability is .25 that it occurs in the first mile.


To calculate the probability that an accident would occur over the first mile of the bike path, we need to determine the relative length of the first mile compared to the total length of the path.

Since the accidents occur uniformly along the length of the path, the probability of an accident occurring over any specific section of the bike path is proportional to the length of that section.

The given information states that the bike path is 4 miles long, and the accidents occur uniformly along this length. Therefore, the first mile is one-fourth (1/4) of the total length of the path.

So, the probability that an accident would occur over the first mile of this bike path is 1/4, or 0.25.

Thus, the answer is 0.25.