A student is taking a literature course in which four tests are given. To get a B, he must average at least 80 on the four tests. The student got scores of 82, 76, and 78 on the first three tests. Determine (in terms of inequality) what scores on the last test will allow him to get at least a B.

I am not quite sure how to handle this problem. Any help would be great.

If he gets a score of n on the 4th test, then his total points are

82 + 76 + 78 + n

The average will then be

(82 + 76 + 78 + n)/4 >= 80
(236+n)/4 >= 80
236+n >= 320
n >= 84

Thank you so much. This kind of what I thought but was not to sure.


Peter scored 17;88 and 97 on three test. How much he scored on the next test to have at least an 85 average

To determine what scores on the last test will allow the student to get at least a B, we need to consider their average score on all four tests.

Let "x" represent the score on the last test.

To find the average of all four tests, we add up the scores on all four tests and divide by 4. So, the sum of the first three test scores is 82 + 76 + 78 = 236.

To get at least a B, the average must be 80 or higher. We can represent this as an inequality:

(82 + 76 + 78 + x)/4 ≥ 80

To simplify the equation, we combine like terms in the numerator:

(236 + x)/4 ≥ 80

Now we can solve this inequality for "x."

To get rid of the fraction, we multiply both sides of the inequality by 4:

4 * (236 + x)/4 ≥ 4 * 80

Simplifying further, we have:

236 + x ≥ 320

Next, we isolate the "x" term by subtracting 236 from both sides:

x ≥ 320 - 236

This simplifies to:

x ≥ 84

Therefore, the student must score 84 or higher on the last test to get at least a B in the course.