What were some of the first calls of independence ffrom the colonists???

I've got a few:
Join or Die
Unite or Die
Don't tread on me
Give me librty or give me Death



Happy Halloween!

You're welcome.

Some of the early calls for independence from the American colonists during the period leading up to the American Revolution include:

1. "Join, or Die": This phrase was created by Benjamin Franklin and was first published in 1754. It was a political cartoon depicting a snake cut into eight pieces, symbolizing the British colonies in America. The message behind it was that the colonies needed to unite or they would fail individually.

2. "Unite or Die": This phrase is similar to "Join, or Die" and was used to emphasize the importance of colonial unity against British rule. It was a rallying cry for the colonists to come together in their struggle for independence.

3. "Don't Tread on Me": This phrase is associated with the Gadsden Flag, a symbol of the American Revolution. It emphasizes the idea that the colonists were willing to fight for their freedom and not let anyone oppress them.

4. "Give me liberty or give me death": This famous quote is attributed to Patrick Henry and was stated during a speech he gave in 1775. It expressed the strong desire for independence from Great Britain and the willingness of colonists to risk their lives to achieve it.

To obtain more detailed and specific information about the first calls for independence from the colonists, you can consult historical documents, read books, or research reputable online sources.