Should Americans compaines refuse to do business in countries that do not pratice democracy?

That would sure shoot our imports, exports and loans from China.

Look at where your clothes are made. Are they made in countries that practice democracy?

What do you think?

exactly I feel as if its not right and they shouldn't. but they do and does happen. So if American compaines didn't then we would have nothing. Everything is imported now from overseas

I think it's rather arrogant to expect other countries to have the same form of government as the U.S.

We were successful in our boycott of South Africa when they practiced apartheid -- but that was a system that was cruel and denied a large part of its people any rights. That boycott was effective and finally encouraged S.A. to abolish apartheid.

However, I don't think boycotting countries simply because they are not democratic would be effective and probably would not bring about any changes.

On the other hand, if produced most of our goods in the U.S., it would produce more jobs and perhaps strengthen our economy.

Yes it would create more jobs and strengthin the economy, I feel that would be better than engaging with a country when it violates democracy, its the same thing as your enagaing in it, in my opinion.

So I feel that American companies should refuse to do business in countries that routinley practice discrimination and that tolerate or even encourage the abuse of children

Those are excellent ideas.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with some insights to help you think about the question.

Deciding whether American companies should refuse to do business in countries that do not practice democracy is a complex issue that involves weighing different factors. Here are a few points:

1. Moral considerations: Some argue that American companies should prioritize democratic values and human rights, and therefore avoid doing business in countries with non-democratic regimes. This approach aligns with the promotion of democracy as a global value.

2. Economic considerations: On the other hand, some argue that engaging in business with non-democratic countries can have positive effects by promoting economic development, fostering cultural exchange, and potentially influencing these countries towards democratic reforms. They believe that economic engagement can lead to positive change over time.

3. Practical considerations: Pulling out of non-democratic countries completely could have unintended consequences, such as harming local workers and businesses that rely on American companies for employment and trade. It can also result in lost economic opportunities for American companies.

Ultimately, the decision to refuse business in non-democratic countries or engage with them is complex and multi-faceted. It requires a consideration of various factors such as moral principles, economic impacts, and practical consequences. Public opinion, governmental policies, and ethical frameworks play crucial roles in shaping the approach taken by American companies.