•Discuss the pros and cons of the following statement: “ Egalitarian companies are more innovative•Identify three organizations that you perceive as being innovative.

◦Identify the innovation and its impact upon each organization.

To discuss the pros and cons of the statement that "egalitarian companies are more innovative," we need to understand the concept of egalitarianism and how it relates to innovation.

Egalitarianism refers to the belief in the principle of equality, where everyone is treated equally and has equal access to opportunities and resources within an organization. When applied to companies, an egalitarian approach means promoting a flat organizational structure, empowering employees, and encouraging participatory decision-making.

Pros of Egalitarian Companies and Innovation:
1. Enhanced collaboration and engagement: Egalitarian companies provide a platform for all employees to contribute their ideas and perspectives, leading to increased collaboration and engagement. This inclusive environment can foster creativity and innovation, as diverse viewpoints are considered.
2. Tapping into a broader talent pool: By removing hierarchical barriers, egalitarian companies can tap into the skills and expertise of a broader range of employees. This inclusivity can result in a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and ideas, leading to more innovative solutions.
3. Increased motivation and ownership: When employees feel valued and empowered, they are more likely to take ownership of their work and feel motivated to contribute innovative ideas. Egalitarian companies can foster a sense of ownership and accountability among employees, leading to a higher level of innovation.

Cons of Egalitarian Companies and Innovation:
1. Lack of direction and coordination: Without clear leadership and decision-making processes, egalitarian companies may struggle to provide guidance and direction. This can result in a lack of focus and difficulty in aligning efforts towards specific innovative goals.
2. Potential for conflict and disagreement: An egalitarian approach may lead to disagreements and conflicts in decision-making, as individuals with different opinions and perspectives have equal weight. This can slow down the innovation process and hinder progress.
3. Difficulty in scaling: As egalitarian companies grow, maintaining the same level of inclusion and engagement across the organization becomes more challenging. Scaling an egalitarian approach while ensuring it remains effective and efficient can be a complex task.

Now, let's identify three organizations that are perceived as being innovative and discuss one innovation from each along with its impact on the organization:

1. Google:
Innovation: Self-Driving Cars
Impact: Google's self-driving car technology has the potential to revolutionize transportation, improve road safety, and reduce traffic congestion. This innovation aligns with Google's mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible, contributing to their reputation as an innovative company.

2. Apple:
Innovation: iPhone
Impact: The introduction of the iPhone transformed the smartphone industry, revolutionizing communication, entertainment, and personal computing. This innovation propelled Apple to become one of the most valuable companies globally and demonstrated their ability to introduce groundbreaking technologies.

3. Tesla:
Innovation: Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Energy Solutions
Impact: Tesla's innovation in electric vehicles and sustainable energy solutions is driving the transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation sector. Their advancements have pushed the automotive industry to invest in electric vehicle technology and adopt sustainable practices.

Each of these organizations showcases different innovations that have had significant impacts on their respective industries, demonstrating their innovative prowess.