Can anyone help me with this two-step equation:


we are solving for x. To get x alone, we need to isolate the term with x only to one side of the equation. In this case, let's isolate the term with x (which is 0.3x) on the right side, thus we will transpose the -9.1 on the left side. To do this, the its sign must be opposite (becomes +9.1):

10 = 0.3x - 9.1
10 + 9.1 = 0.3x
19.1 = 0.3x
finally, we divide both sides of equation by 0.3 to get x alone:
19.1/0.3 = (0.3x)/0.3
63.67 = x, or
x = 63.67

hope this helps~ :)

Of course, I can help you with the two-step equation. Let's solve it step by step.

Step 1: Isolate the variable term.
To start, we need to get rid of the constant term (-9.1) on the right side of the equation. We can do this by adding 9.1 to both sides of the equation.

10 + 9.1 = 0.3x - 9.1 + 9.1

This simplifies to:

19.1 = 0.3x

Step 2: Solve for the variable.
Next, we need to isolate the variable, which in this case is x. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x, which is 0.3.

19.1 / 0.3 = (0.3x) / 0.3

This simplifies to:

63.67 = x

So, the solution to the equation 10 = 0.3x - 9.1 is x = 63.67.

To check that this answer is correct, substitute the value of x back into the original equation and see if it holds true:

10 = 0.3(63.67) - 9.1
10 = 19.1 - 9.1
10 = 10

The equation holds true, so x = 63.67 is the correct solution.