If the time of town A along 75W is 5:00pm on friday what the time and day be at town B (along 120E)

Since there are 360° covered by 24 hours, the clock advances 1 hour for every 15° traveled eastward.

120°E is 195° east of 75°W.

195/15 = +13 hours

time is 6:00 am Saturday


i dnt knw

it is actually 6 pm

6:00am the next day

To determine the time and day in town B (along 120°E) when it is 5:00 pm on Friday in town A (along 75°W), we need to consider the time difference between the two towns and account for any changes in the date due to crossing the International Date Line (180° longitude).

First, let's calculate the time difference between the two towns. The time difference for each degree of longitude is approximately 4 minutes, since the Earth completes a full rotation in 24 hours (1440 minutes) and there are 360 degrees of longitude.

Town A is located at 75°W, and town B is at 120°E. We have to convert the -75°W to a positive value by adding 360° to it, as the Western longitudes are negative. So, the time difference between town A and B is:

(75°W + 360°) + 120°E = 435°

Now, we multiply the time difference by 4 minutes:

435° * 4 minutes = 1740 minutes

So, there is a time difference of 1740 minutes between town A and B.

Next, we need to consider the date change at the International Date Line (180° longitude). Going from west to east, when crossing the International Date Line, we add a day. Since town B is located to the east of town A, we need to add a day.

Assuming it is currently 5:00 pm on Friday in town A, we can calculate the time and day in town B as follows:

5:00 pm + 1740 minutes = 35 hours

Since there are 24 hours in a day, we subtract 24 from 35, resulting in 11 hours. This means that it will be 11:00 am on the following day in town B when it is 5:00 pm on Friday in town A.

Therefore, the time in town B will be 11:00 am on Saturday.