multiply and simplify


I have the answwer as 4a^7t^2/3t^2

To multiply and simplify the expression (3a^8/4t^2) * (16t^4/9a), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numerators (3a^8 * 16t^4) and multiply the denominators (4t^2 * 9a).
Numerator: 3a^8 * 16t^4 = 48a^8t^4
Denominator: 4t^2 * 9a = 36at^2

Step 2: Combine the multiplied terms to form the final simplified expression.
Final simplified expression: (48a^8t^4) / (36at^2)

Step 3: Simplify the expression by canceling out common factors between the numerator and denominator.
In this case, there is a common factor of 12a and t^2:
(48a^8t^4) / (36at^2) = (4a^7t^2) / (3)

Therefore, the final simplified expression is 4a^7t^2/3.

To multiply and simplify the given expression:

Step 1: Multiply the numerators and denominators separately.
(3a^8/4t^2) * (16t^4/9a)

Step 2: Simplify each fraction individually.
Multiply the numerators: 3a^8 * 16t^4 = 48a^8t^4
Multiply the denominators: 4t^2 * 9a = 36at^2

Step 3: Put the simplified fractions together.
The simplified expression is (48a^8t^4) / (36at^2).

Step 4: Simplify further, if possible.
To simplify further, divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor (GCF).
The GCF of 48a^8t^4 and 36at^2 is 12at^2.
Dividing both numerator and denominator by 12at^2, we get:
(48a^8t^4) / (36at^2) = (4a^7t^2) / 3

Therefore, the final simplified answer is (4a^7t^2) / 3.