Does 8cosx = cos8x?

No, the first term means 8 times the cos of x, and the second term means the cos of 8 times x.

No, 8cos(x) does not equal cos(8x). These two expressions are not equivalent.

The equation 8cos(x) = cos(8x) implies that multiplying the cosine of an angle x by 8 is equivalent to taking the cosine of 8 times that angle. However, this is not true in general.

To verify this, you can substitute some values of x and check if the equation holds. For example, let's substitute x = 0 into both sides of the equation:

8cos(0) = cos(8*0)
8(1) = cos(0)
8 = 1

This shows that the equation is not true for all values of x, so 8cos(x) does not equal cos(8x).

To determine if 8cos(x) is equal to cos(8x), we can apply the double angle formula for cosine.

The double angle formula for cosine states that cos(2θ) = 1 - 2sin²θ.

Let's use this formula to evaluate cos(8x):

cos(8x) = 1 - 2sin²(8x).

Now, let's simplify 8cos(x):

8cos(x) = 8 * cos(x) = 8 * (1 - 2sin²(x)) = 8 - 16sin²(x).

Comparing the expressions, we can see that 8cos(x) is not equal to cos(8x) because the expressions have different forms and coefficients.