juan says,"When you put together unequal groups, you can only add." is he correct? Explain

Depends on what you mean by "put together" and "groups".

If you "put together" the even numbers and the odd numbers, you might get all integers.

If you "out together" positive and negative numbers, maybe you just get 0.

If you put together apples and oranges, you get a fruit basket.

If you put together zealots and infidels, you get a war.

and so on.


Juan's statement is not correct. When you put together unequal groups, you can both add and subtract.

Adding involves combining the quantities from the two unequal groups to find the total.

For example, if you have a group of 3 apples and a group of 5 apples, by adding the two groups together, you get a total of 8 apples.

Subtracting involves taking away or removing a quantity from a group.

Using the same example, if you have a group of 8 apples and you take away 3 apples, you are subtracting 3 from the total, and you are left with 5 apples.

So, when you put together unequal groups, you have the option to both add and subtract, depending on what operation you want to perform.

To verify the accuracy of Juan's statement, let's first understand the context. When he mentions "unequal groups," it implies groups of objects or numbers that have different quantities. Now, the statement he made, "When you put together unequal groups, you can only add," is a generalization that might not always hold true. Let's examine that by considering various scenarios:

1. Adding unequal groups: When you have two groups with different quantities and you merge or combine them, you can perform addition. For example, if you have 3 apples and 5 oranges, by adding the two groups, you get a total of 8 fruits.

2. Subtracting unequal groups: Alternatively, you can also subtract unequal groups. If you have 7 books and 4 novels, you can subtract the novels' group from the total, leaving you with 3 books.

3. Multiplying unequal groups: Additionally, you can multiply unequal groups. For instance, if you have 2 bags, and each bag contains 10 pencils, multiplying the two groups will give you a total of 20 pencils.

Therefore, Juan's statement is incorrect because you can not only add unequal groups but also subtract and multiply them. Additionally, you can perform other mathematical operations like division or apply more advanced concepts depending on the specific situation.