a) 2nP3 = 2(nP4)
b)6(n+1P2) = 3nP2

2) If (nC12 = (nC8), find (nC17) and (22Cn)

a) n(squared) (n-2)! - n(n-2)! / n!
b) (nC2) - (nCn-2)

4)If nPr - 506 and (nCr_ = 253, find n and r.

5) If (28C2r)/(24C2r-4) = 225/11, find r.


cancel 2n to get
This kind of equation can be readily solved by trial and error, since they both increase monotonically at different rates.
In this case, n=1 (which is rejected) or n=8.

try (b) and (2)similarly to (a) above.

3(a) simplifies well, assuming you have left out the critical square brackets:

Give a try to 3b.

What it is saying is that
n!/(n-r)! = 2*n!/((n-r)!r!)
Cancel the n! and (n-r)! to get
=> r!=2 => r=2
After that, you only have to check by trial and error C(n,2)=253.

Give (5) a try.

np4=88x n-1 p2

the question is very important question but you may answer each question step by step please


a) To solve 2nP3 = 2(nP4), we can start by expanding the permutations using the factorial notation.

nP3 = n! / (n-3)! and nP4 = n! / (n-4)!

Substituting these expressions into the equation, we get:

2(n! / (n-3)!) = 2(n! / (n-4)!)

We can cancel out the common terms on both sides:

n! / (n-3)! = n! / (n-4)!

Now we have:

1 / (n-3)! = 1 / (n-4)!

Since the denominators are equal, the numerators must also be equal:

n-3 = n-4

Simplifying this equation, we find:

-3 = -4

This equation is not possible, so there is no solution to this equation.

b) For 6(n+1P2) = 3nP2, we follow a similar approach:

n+1P2 = (n+1)! / (n+1-2)! = (n+1)! / n!

nP2 = n! / (n-2)!

Substituting these expressions into the equation:

6((n+1)! / n!) = 3(n! / (n-2)!)

Now we can cancel out the common terms:

6(n+1)! / n! = 3(n!) / (n-2)!

Cross multiplying:

6(n+1)! * (n-2)! = 3(n!) * n!


6(n+1)(n)(n-1)(n-2)! = 3(n)(n-1)(n-2)!

Dividing both sides by 3(n)(n-1)(n-2)!, we get:

2(n+1) = 1

n + 1 = 1/2

Subtracting 1 from both sides:

n = -1/2

Therefore, the solution to the equation is n = -1/2.

Given (nC12) = (nC8), we need to find (nC17) and (22Cn).

We know that (nCr) = n! / [r!(n-r)!].

So, (nC12) = n! / [12!(n-12)!],

and (nC8) = n! / [8!(n-8)!].

Setting these two equations equal, we have:

n! / [12!(n-12)!] = n! / [8!(n-8)!].

By canceling out the common terms, we get:

1 / [12!(n-12)!] = 1 / [8!(n-8)!].

Simplifying further:

1 / [12! * (n-12)!] = 1 / [8! * (n-8)!].

Since the denominators are equal, the numerators must also be equal:

12! * (n-12)! = 8! * (n-8)!

Now, we can solve for (nC17) and (22Cn) in a similar manner.

For (nC17), we use the formula:

(nC17) = n! / [17!(n-17)!],

and for (22Cn), we use:

(22Cn) = 22! / [n!(22-n)!].

a) To simplify n^2 * (n-2)! - n * (n-2)! / n!,

we can factor out the common term (n-2)!:

(n-2)! * (n^2 - n) / n!.

Simplification is not possible without knowing the specific value of n.

b) To simplify (nC2) - (nCn-2),

we can calculate the binomial coefficients:

(nC2) = n! / [2!(n-2)!] = n(n-1) / 2,

(nCn-2) = n! / [(n-2)!(n-(n-2))!] = n(n-1) / 2.

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

(nC2) - (nCn-2) = n(n-1) / 2 - n(n-1) / 2.

Since the two terms have the same denominator, we can combine them:

[n(n-1) - n(n-1)] / 2 = 0.

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is 0.

Given nPr = 506 and (nCr) = 253, we need to find the values of n and r.

Using the formulas for permutations and combinations:

nPr = n! / (n-r)! = 506,

(nCr) = n! / [r!(n-r)!] = 253.

We can rearrange the nPr equation to solve for n-r:

n-r = n - nPr.

Substituting the values given:

n - nPr = n - 506.

This implies that nPr = 506.

Now, we can substitute these values into the (nCr) equation:

n! / [r!(n-r)!] = 253.

We can substitute nPr from the previous equation:

(n+r)! / [r!(n-r)!] = 253.

Multiplying both sides by [r!(n-r)!] to simplify:

(n+r)! = 253r!(n-r)!.

Since we know that nPr = 506, we can substitute this value:

(n-506)! = 253r!(506-r)!.

We can simplify further by dividing both sides by 253:

(n-506)! / 253 = r!(506-r)!.

It is not possible to determine the exact values of n and r without additional information or simplification.

Given (28C2r) / (24C2r-4) = 225/11, we need to find the value of r.

From the formulas for combinations:

(28C2r) = 28! / [2r!(28-2r)!],

(24C2r-4) = 24! / [2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!].

Substituting these values into the equation, we have:

[28! / (2r!(28-2r)!)] / [24! / [2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!]] = 225/11.

We can simplify by dividing both sides by 1/[(2r!(28-2r)!)(2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!)], which is equivalent to multiplying by the reciprocal:

([28! / (2r!(28-2r)!)] / [24! / [2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!]]) * [(2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!) / 1] = (225/11) * [(2r!(28-2r)!)(2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!)].

Simplifying further, we get:

[28! / 24!] * [1 / (2r!(28-2r)!)] * [1 / (2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!)] = (225/11).

Cancelling out the common terms, we have:

[(28*27*26*25) / (24*23*22*21)] * [1 / (2r!(28-2r)!)] * [1 / (2(r-2)!(24-2(r-2))!)] = (225/11).

Simplifying both sides, it is not possible to determine the exact value of r without additional information or simplification.