You are riding on a flatbed truck moving at 50 kilometers per hour. You have two identical guns, one aimed forward and one aimed backward, and you fire them at the same time.

According to an observer in the ground,
1. the backward bullet appears to move
2. they both appear to move at the same
3. the forward bullet appears to move

According to an observer on the truck,
1. the forward bullet appears to move
2. the backward bullet appears to move
3. they both appear to move at the same

Well I know that if it was just the backward ball, then it would look like it wasn't moving, but what does the forward ball do to change it?

I do not understand your comment at all.

I saw a video in class that only had the backwards ball involved, and the backwards ball didn't move at all. So I'm wondering what the effect of the forward ball does to the problem.

I just did part 1 of your question. The answer is 3. the forward bullet appears to move faster.

Part 2 is 3. they both appear to move at the same speed according to the observer on the truck.

To understand the scenario, let's break it down:

You are riding on a flatbed truck moving at a constant speed of 50 kilometers per hour. You have two identical guns, one aimed forward and one aimed backward, and you fire them at the same time.

Let's analyze the situation from the perspective of an observer on the ground:

1. According to an observer on the ground, the backward bullet appears to move faster:
This is because the backward bullet is fired opposite to the truck's direction of motion. Since the truck is moving in the forward direction, the backward bullet is fired in the opposite direction and its speed is additive with the truck's speed. As a result, the backward bullet appears to move faster relative to the observer on the ground.

2. According to an observer on the ground, they both appear to move at the same speed:
This is incorrect. The forward bullet's speed would appear slower than its actual speed due to the truck's forward motion. However, the backward bullet would appear faster than its actual speed because it is moving in the opposite direction of the truck's motion.

Now, let's analyze the situation from the perspective of an observer on the truck:

1. According to an observer on the truck, the forward bullet appears to move faster:
This is because the observer on the truck shares the same frame of reference as the truck. The forward bullet fired in the same direction as the truck's motion, so it only appears to move at its actual speed. Since the observer on the truck is also moving with the same velocity, the forward bullet appears to move faster relative to the observer on the truck.

2. According to an observer on the truck, the backward bullet appears to move faster:
This is incorrect. The backward bullet would appear to move slower or even stationary from the perspective of an observer on the truck. This is because the observer on the truck is moving backward with the same speed as the truck. As a result, the backward bullet fired in the opposite direction would seem to have a reduced speed or even appear stationary.

In conclusion, from the perspective of an observer on the ground, the backward bullet appears faster than the forward bullet, while from the perspective of an observer on the truck, the forward bullet appears faster than the backward bullet. The relative motion between the bullets and the observer's frame of reference affects their perceived speeds.