Sally wants to buy her friend a bouquet for his birthday. She wants it to contain both carnations and roses. She has $25.20 to spend. Carnatinos cost $1.45 each and roses cost $2.35 each. Use a graph to show the possible combinations of numbers of carnations and roses Sally can afford to buy.

1.45c + 2.35r = 25.20

If you graph that you will see various combinations that fall just below the line.

For example, 5 carnations and 7 roses cost $23.70

To find the possible combinations of carnations and roses that Sally can afford to buy, we can use a graph.

First, let's assign variables to represent the number of carnations and roses. Let's use "c" for carnations and "r" for roses.

We know that carnations cost $1.45 each, so the total cost of carnations would be 1.45c.
Similarly, roses cost $2.35 each, so the total cost of roses would be 2.35r.

Sally has $25.20 to spend, so we can create an equation to represent this:
1.45c + 2.35r = 25.20

To draw a graph, we can create a table of values. Let's assume Sally can buy at most 20 of each type of flower.

c | r | 1.45c + 2.35r
0 | 0 | 0
1 | 0 | 1.45
2 | 0 | 2.90
20 | 20 | 69.00

Now, we can plot these points on a graph, where the x-axis represents the number of carnations (c) and the y-axis represents the number of roses (r). We can also draw a line representing the equation 1.45c + 2.35r = 25.20.

After plotting the points, we connect them to form a line and shade the area below the line. This shaded area represents all the possible combinations of carnations and roses that Sally can afford to buy within her budget of $25.20.

Please note that I cannot draw graphs as a text-based AI. But you can use graphing software or apps to plot the points and draw the line to visualize the possible combinations.