Ricki Cohn Encyclopedia sales Commission rate: 11% Month’s sales: $2,550 What is the monthly commission?

What an ancient question!!!

0.11 * 2,550 = ?

One week Laura earned a total of $350. Of that amount $245 were tips. If she worked a 30-hour week, what was the hourly rate she received?

To calculate the monthly commission, we need to multiply the sales amount by the commission rate.

Given that the commission rate is 11% and the monthly sales amount is $2,550, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the commission rate from percentage to decimal form by dividing it by 100:
Commission rate = 11% / 100 = 0.11

Step 2: Multiply the sales amount by the commission rate:
Monthly commission = $2,550 * 0.11

By performing the calculation, we find that the monthly commission would be $280.50.