name 4 functions of the nose.


The nose itself is made mostly of cartilage, skin, and a mucous membrane lining. It is often called the "air conditioning chamber" because it warms and moistens air before it goes to the lungs. It consists of the nasal passages, the inferior and superior conchas, and the paranasal sinuses.(wikianswers)

are you seriously asking what the functions of the nose are? Read the book it can't be that hard. To think one day you are working in the medical field and actually taking care of people with no sense of anything.

Concentrating on the word "function" I would have answered that the nose does the following:

1. Olfaction (smelling)
2. Respiration (breathing)
3. Protecting the lower airways


The nose serves several important functions in our bodies. Here are four primary functions of the nose:

1. Sense of Smell: The nose contains olfactory receptors, which are responsible for detecting and interpreting odors. When you breathe in through your nose, the air carries tiny particles, which come into contact with the olfactory receptors. This enables us to smell and distinguish different scents, like flowers, food, or even danger.

2. Breathing and Air Filtering: The nose acts as a passage for air to enter our respiratory system. As you inhale, the nose filters, warms, and moistens the air, removing dust, pollutants, and other harmful particles. Tiny hairs called nasal cilia and mucus help trap and remove these particles, allowing cleaner air to pass into the lungs.

3. Humidification: The nasal cavity contains blood vessels that work to humidify the air we breathe. As air passes through the nasal passage, these blood vessels warm and moisturize the air, preventing our respiratory system from drying out and reducing the risk of irritation or infection.

4. Resonating Chamber for Speech: The nose plays a role in shaping our speech. It acts as a resonating chamber for certain sounds by modifying the airflow as it passes through the nasal cavity. Specific letters and sounds, such as "m" or "n," utilize this resonance to create the characteristic nasal quality we hear in speech.

To discover these functions of the nose, one can refer to reputable sources such as medical textbooks, articles, or consult professionals in the medical field, such as doctors or anatomists. Additionally, observing firsthand experiences and personal knowledge of how the nose works can provide valuable insights.