Look at the three weathers of the three countries in the reading text. You should write down each weather in the blank. After that you should find out Today's weathers on the Internet. Then write the weathers on each next blank.

Are the expressions in the passage above all correct gramatically?
What about the use of 'weathers'? Can we use the plural form, weathers?

We very rarely use the plural of "weather."

The best way of stating your passage is:

Look at the weather of the three countries in the reading text. Write the weather of each country in the correct blank. Then find today's weather for each country on the Internet and write it in the next blank.


The passage you provided contains a grammatical error. The word "weathers" is not used correctly in this context. In English, "weather" is an uncountable noun, which means it does not have a plural form. The correct way to phrase it would be "the weather of the three countries".

To answer the second part of your question, yes, the plural form of "weather" is typically not used. Instead, we use the singular form regardless of the number of countries or locations mentioned. For example, we would say "the weather in three countries" instead of "the weathers in three countries".

To complete the task, you should write down the weather in each country from the reading text. Then, you can search for today's weather in each of those countries on the internet. Finally, write down the current weather in each corresponding blank.