Find the domain of the function. Show all work.

1 if -9 < or = x<-7

f(x)= Abs(x) if -7 < or = x<9

Sq root(x)if 9 < or = x < or=35

Looks like the function is defined for all values of x in [-9,35]. That would be the domain.

It's a lot easier to read if you say

f(x) =
1 if -9 <= x < -7
abs(x) if -7 <= x < 9
sqrt(x) if 9 <= x <= 35

Beth,please check your 19-23-11,6:24pm


To find the domain of the given function, we need to determine the values of x for which the function is defined.

Let's analyze each segment of the function:

1. For the first segment, the function is defined as 1 when -9 ≤ x < -7. This means that any value of x between -9 and -7 (including -9 but excluding -7) will have a corresponding value for f(x). Therefore, the domain for this segment is -9 ≤ x < -7.

2. For the second segment, the function is defined as the absolute value of x when -7 ≤ x < 9. This indicates that any value of x between -7 and 9 (including -7 but excluding 9) will have a corresponding value for f(x). Thus, the domain for this segment is -7 ≤ x < 9.

3. For the third segment, the function is defined as the square root of x when 9 ≤ x ≤ 35. This implies that any value of x between 9 and 35 (including both 9 and 35) will have a corresponding value for f(x). Therefore, the domain for this segment is 9 ≤ x ≤ 35.

Combining all three segments, we have the overall domain of the function as the union of the individual domains:

Domain: -9 ≤ x < -7, -7 ≤ x < 9, 9 ≤ x ≤ 35