The rule (x + 2/3, y - 3/4) is applied to a polygon. Find the coordinates of the point on the image that corresponds to each of these points on the original polygon.

Well, without actual coordinates, it's kinda hard. However, whatever the (x,y) coordinates are, replace them with

. . . wait for it . . .

(x + 2/3, y-3/4)


To find the coordinates of the points on the image that correspond to the given points on the original polygon, we need to apply the rule (x + 2/3, y - 3/4) to each of the given points.

Let's suppose the original polygon is defined by the set of points {P1, P2, P3, ...}, where each point Pi has coordinates (xi, yi).

To find the corresponding point in the image for each Pi, we can apply the rule as follows:

1. For each point Pi, add 2/3 to its x-coordinate and subtract 3/4 from its y-coordinate.

New x-coordinate: xi + 2/3
New y-coordinate: yi - 3/4

2. Repeat this process for all the given points to obtain their corresponding points in the image.

For example, let's say one of the original points is P1 with coordinates (x1, y1). The corresponding point in the image, which we'll denote as P1', can be found by applying the rule:

P1' = (x1 + 2/3, y1 - 3/4)

Similarly, for any other given point Pi with coordinates (xi, yi), its corresponding point in the image, denoted as Pi', can be found using the rule:

Pi' = (xi + 2/3, yi - 3/4)

Apply this process to each point in the original polygon to find their corresponding points in the image.