What were the changes and continuities in African economics, politics, and culture between 600 and 1750??



To understand the changes and continuities in African economics, politics, and culture between 600 and 1750, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the historical context: Start by gathering information about the major events and developments in Africa during this period. This will help you better understand the factors that influenced the changes and continuities in economics, politics, and culture.

2. Analyze the economic changes: Look for evidence of economic developments such as trade networks, agricultural practices, and the emergence of new economic systems. Consider changes in the volume and types of trade, the rise of commercial centers, and the influence of external factors such as the growth of trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean trade.

3. Study the political transformations: Examine how political systems and structures evolved during this period. Look for changes in the organization of power, the rise and fall of states, and the impact of interactions with other regions. Consider the centralization or decentralization of political authority, the role of leadership, and the formation of new political entities.

4. Explore cultural shifts: Investigate how African cultures changed and adapted during this time. Study the religion, language, social organization, and artistic expression of different African societies. Examine the influence of ideas, religions (such as Islam and Christianity), and interactions with other regions on cultural practices and beliefs.

5. Compare continuities: Identify elements that persisted or remained relatively unchanged throughout the period. Look for aspects of economic, political, and cultural life that retained their significance despite external influences or internal transformations.

6. Formulate your response: By analyzing the information gathered, identify and summarize the key changes and continuities in African economics, politics, and culture between 600 and 1750.

Remember, this is a general framework, and the specific changes and continuities will vary across different regions and societies within Africa. Further research and analysis will be necessary to provide a comprehensive answer to this question.