A map has a scale of 1 cm : 11 km. Two cities are 3.4 cm apart on the map. To the nearest tenth of a kilometer, what is the actual distance corresponding to the map distance?

x/3.4 = 11/1

x = ?

Is there an answer to this?

To find the actual distance corresponding to the map distance, we need to use the scale provided. The scale is 1 cm : 11 km.

First, we need to determine the distance represented by 1 cm on the map. We know that 1 cm on the map represents 11 km in reality.

Next, we can find the actual distance corresponding to the map distance of 3.4 cm by using a proportion.

Let x be the actual distance in kilometers.

According to the proportion, we have:

1 cm on the map / 11 km in reality = 3.4 cm on the map / x km in reality

Using cross multiplication, we get:

1 cm * x km in reality = 3.4 cm * 11 km in reality

Simplifying, we have:

x = (3.4 cm * 11 km) / 1 cm

x = 37.4 km

Therefore, to the nearest tenth of a kilometer, the actual distance corresponding to the map distance of 3.4 cm is 37.4 km.