kelly is 140cm tall, that is just 4 cm short of twice as tall as her sister,how tall is her sister?



This is saying that Kelly's sister is 1/2 the height of 144cm. 144/2=72cm

So her sister is 72cm. if you want to convert this to inches, one inch equals 2.54cm.

To find out how tall Kelly's sister is, we need to solve the given information mathematically. We know that Kelly's height is 140 cm, which is just 4 cm short of twice her sister's height.

Let's represent her sister's height as 'x'.

According to the information given, we can write the equation as:

2x - 4 = 140

To solve for 'x', we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. Let's solve step by step:

2x = 140 + 4
2x = 144

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 144 / 2
x = 72

Therefore, Kelly's sister is 72 cm tall.