pi x 3.41 x 1,3019234 divided by 12347 x 8 + 12 - 1804351 x 235-135425 squaredx 10 to the fifth power + 1- 12438723562956918723847.


To simplify the given expression, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Calculate pi (π)
π is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Its approximate value is 3.14159.

Step 2: Multiply pi (π) by 3.41 and 1,3019234
Multiply the value of pi (π) by 3.41 and then multiply the result by 1,3019234.

Step 3: Divide the result of Step 2 by 12347
Take the result of Step 2 and divide it by 12347.

Step 4: Multiply 12347 by 8
Multiply the value of 12347 by 8.

Step 5: Add 12 to the result of Step 4
Take the result of Step 4 and add 12 to it.

Step 6: Multiply 1804351 by 235
Multiply the value of 1804351 by 235.

Step 7: Square the result of Step 6
Take the result of Step 6 and square it (multiply it by itself).

Step 8: Multiply the squared value from Step 7 by 10^5
Raise the squared value from Step 7 to the power of 10^5 (10 to the fifth power) by multiplying it by 10^5.

Step 9: Subtract 135425 from the result of Step 8
Take the result of Step 8 and subtract 135425 from it.

Step 10: Add 1 to the result of Step 9
Take the result of Step 9 and add 1 to it.

Step 11: Subtract 12438723562956918723847 from the result of Step 10
Take the result of Step 10 and subtract 12438723562956918723847 from it.

By following these steps, you can compute the value of the given expression.