I need help conjugating the verb Pasar into prsent tense, imperfect tense, preterite, -ing, tu affirmative command, Ud. affirmative command, Uds. affirmative command, future, and conditional tense.

I also need to conjugate Tener into present tense.

I am having trouble because I switched from studying a few years of French to studying Spanish.

The first is an excellent site for helping you learn how to conjugate verbs. Conjugating verbs in Spanish is much easier than doing it in French. Most verbs are regular; therefore, you just need to learn the regular forms for "ar" "er" and "ir" verb. Then MEMORIZE the irregularities.


This one is a "quick fix"... I recommend working with the first one.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Don't forget your textbook, because if it is a good book, in the back (appendix) it will h ave pattern verbs in all the tenses. Also, "pasar" is a regular -ar verb, like the pattern verb "hablar."

I suggest you invest in the paperback book 201 or 501 Spanish Verbs where each page is dedicated to a different verb with all the forms.

If you aren't sure, type the verbs out and we'll be glad to check them for you.


No problem! I can help you conjugate the verb "Pasar" in different tenses, as well as conjugate "Tener" in the present tense.

1. Present tense:
- Yo paso (I pass)
- Tú pasas (You pass)
- Él/Ella/Usted pasa (He/She/You pass)
- Nosotros/Nosotras pasamos (We pass)
- Vosotros/Vosotras pasáis (You all pass)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pasan (They pass)

2. Imperfect tense:
- Yo pasaba (I used to pass)
- Tú pasabas (You used to pass)
- Él/Ella/Usted pasaba (He/She/You used to pass)
- Nosotros/Nosotras pasábamos (We used to pass)
- Vosotros/Vosotras pasabais (You all used to pass)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pasaban (They used to pass)

3. Preterite tense:
- Yo pasé (I passed)
- Tú pasaste (You passed)
- Él/Ella/Usted pasó (He/She/You passed)
- Nosotros/Nosotras pasamos (We passed)
- Vosotros/Vosotras pasasteis (You all passed)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pasaron (They passed)

4. -ing form (gerund):
- Pasando (passing)

5. Tu affirmative command:
- Pasa (Pass)

6. Ud. affirmative command:
- Pase (Pass)

7. Uds. affirmative command:
- Pasen (Pass)

8. Future tense:
- Yo pasaré (I will pass)
- Tú pasarás (You will pass)
- Él/Ella/Usted pasará (He/She/You will pass)
- Nosotros/Nosotras pasaremos (We will pass)
- Vosotros/Vosotras pasaréis (You all will pass)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pasarán (They will pass)

9. Conditional tense:
- Yo pasaría (I would pass)
- Tú pasarías (You would pass)
- Él/Ella/Usted pasaría (He/She/You would pass)
- Nosotros/Nosotras pasaríamos (We would pass)
- Vosotros/Vosotras pasaríais (You all would pass)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes pasarían (They would pass)

Now, let's conjugate the verb "Tener" in the present tense:

- Yo tengo (I have)
- Tú tienes (You have)
- Él/Ella/Usted tiene (He/She/You have)
- Nosotros/Nosotras tenemos (We have)
- Vosotros/Vosotras tenéis (You all have)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tienen (They have)

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

No problem! I can help you with that.

To conjugate the verb "Pasar" in different tenses, let's go through each tense one by one:

1. Present tense (Yo paso): To conjugate in present tense, drop the -ar ending and add the following endings: -o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, and -an.

2. Imperfect tense (Yo pasaba): To conjugate in imperfect tense, drop the -ar ending and add the following endings: -aba, -abas, -aba, -ábamos, -abais, and -aban.

3. Preterite tense (Yo pasé): To conjugate in preterite tense, drop the -ar ending and add the following endings: -é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -asteis, and -aron.

4. Gerund (-ing) tense (Pasando): To conjugate in gerund tense, drop the -ar ending and add -ando.

5. Tu affirmative command (Pasa): To give a command for "tu" in the affirmative, drop the -ar ending and add -a.

6. Ud. affirmative command (Pase): To give a command for "Ud." in the affirmative, drop the -ar ending and add -e.

7. Uds. affirmative command (Pasen): To give a command for "Uds." in the affirmative, drop the -ar ending and add -en.

8. Future tense (Yo pasaré): To conjugate in future tense, drop the -ar ending and add the following endings: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, and -án.

9. Conditional tense (Yo pasaría): To conjugate in conditional tense, drop the -ar ending and add the following endings: -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, and -ían.

Now, let's move on to conjugating the verb "Tener" in present tense:

1. Present tense (Yo tengo): To conjugate in present tense, drop the -er ending and add the following endings: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, and -en.

Remember to practice these conjugations regularly to reinforce your understanding and to become more comfortable with the Spanish verb conjugations.