If I wanted to say "Those butterflies are the prettiest of all." would I say this sentence or should the "esas" be "estas"?

Esas mariposas son las más bonitas de todas las mariposas

those = esas mariposas (adjective)

those = ésas (pronoun)
those (far away) = aquellas mariposas
those (far away) = aquéllas (pronoun)

these = estas mariposas
these (ones) = éstas

The sentence you wrote is correct.


In this case, "esas" is the correct word choice.

To determine whether to use "esas" or "estas" in this sentence, you need to consider whether you are referring to butterflies that are near the listener (este/esta) or butterflies that are farther away from both the speaker and listener (ese/esa).

If the butterflies you are referring to are not close to either the speaker or the listener, you would use the word "esas." This indicates that the butterflies are not in close proximity to either person in the conversation.

So, in the sentence "Esas mariposas son las más bonitas de todas las mariposas," we use "esas" because we are referring to butterflies that are not close to either the speaker or the listener.